11 June 2011


The last few years have been ones of upheaval for my mate and me, and I have found myself taking an unplanned break from posting.

I'm hoping to get back into the groove of things later this year...

If anyone is still out there - thank you for reading. Please check back.

13 February 2011

I've been taking pictures!

On the 9th, I shot this:


leaves for a Falling Leaf Afghan (Ravelry link). I'm starting to think that I may make the leaves into pillowcovers, though. It's not knitting the 135 leaves I need that deters me. It's the thought of sewing them all together!

On the 10th, I spent the day wishing the sun would come out:


On the 11th, it finally did!


And yesterday, things began to thaw out:


Today we're off to Greenwood, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for something new to show. :)

07 February 2011


Sometimes I shouldn't be left alone with a computer. I end up ordering things.

But aren't they pretty?


06 February 2011

Snow day

Sometimes the only way to keep yourself from cabin-fever is to keep your hands busy.


05 February 2011

At least the ice had mostly melted...

before this snow started last night. There is a brief haze to the photo due to the snow showers that have covered everything again.



04 February 2011

Never go shopping when you're hungry.

Everything looks good, and you buy way too much specialty chocolate.

eye candy

03 February 2011

loving sun

warming the rocks, making the ice recede...


02 February 2011

snow flurries

To add insult to injury after the ice storm...


01 February 2011

Hello, again.

I've decided to participate in the project365 idea - a picture a day for a year. Wish me luck!
